Chapter 5 Results
Which part of NYC has restaurants with relatively low grades and relatively high grades?
Is there a relationship between the type of restaurants and the type of violations?
Are there any trends of scores for each cuisine type as time goes by?
For the franchise restaurants, what type of violations are most common and what might be the reasons?
5.1 Restaurant Distribution
First, take a look at the distributions of all restaurants inspected in NYC. Each point in the following map represents a unique restaurant. It is clear that Manhattan has the highest density of restaurant distribution among all boroughs. The density is also quite high along the coastline for Queens and Brooklyn compared to the densities in the other areas.
## [1] TRUE
Here is an interactive map to show the number of restaurants in each selected area. Zoom-in and Zoom-out allow for inspection on smaller and larger scale. The color of the circles indicates the quantity of restaurants in the surrounding area as follows: Red, over 100; Yellow, between 10 and 100; Green, less than 10. When you move your mouse on a circle, the corresponding surrounding area is shaded by blue.